Exactly how I pictured it! I think the audio for the voices for the most part was very good, and the animation style works well for this type of show. Can't wait for the next ones.
Exactly how I pictured it! I think the audio for the voices for the most part was very good, and the animation style works well for this type of show. Can't wait for the next ones.
I told you I was gonna get around to finishing it eventually! Glad you were able to see the complete project..
Next chapter shouldn’t take so long haha
The look has familiarity to it, while also being its own thing; very creative. The backgrounds themselves is probably the most impressive thing design wise.
Also, incredible animation, I could barely figure out how each aspect was made.
Very cool! Looking forward to the pilot.
Thank you JTmovie! I'm particularly proud of the awesome work the background contributors did. They really pushed it all over the edge. I'm also glad you caught the 'hybrid' look of the designs. We want the anime/fighting game 'influence' but for it to still be its own thing. We're working hard to bring the rest of this to life and will be sure to share it when ready!. :)
Fantastic!! I love how you illistrate the story through visuals without dialogue, which is what animation is supoosted to do. These are always great loved them ever since the first one 2 years ago. Glad action hasn't die on here.
I might be able to detail the story with dialogues though.. Well, with the way I work, it's kind of difficult to work with voice actors... Anyway, I am glad some one has seen the last one and remember it. Thank you!
Nice use of 3D/2D animation
I saw both episodes in order and I got to say this is a very interesting series. The voice acting was really good aswell and the cliff hanger left me guessing, more so in this episode than the first one.
Constructive criticism:
The animation could be better. Now dont get me wrong your way more talented than I could ever dream of being but in some places it still needed some tweeks. Me personaly it didnt bother me but I can see how it would bother other people. For instance that scene with the big robot (great design btw) grabbed onto buildings. Other than that everythings well put to together. I would say the quality but I understand the whole file size problem.
Also I have a couple of questions:
What 3D program did you use?
Why did this come out so long after the first?
And when can we expect the next one?
Anyways thats it. Good job cant wait for more!
Thanks for the review. The programs I used were Blender, for modeling characters and sets. Then I used XSI for rigging, animation and rendering. The implementation of 3d upped production time significantly but made animation quality more fluid. Currently working on episode 3 but I need to figure out the issues with file size first. I had many errors with flash, so that's why it ended up being in video format. I wont release the next episode until I can fix my problems. So release of the next episode depends on how long it will take me to learn.
Wow pretty cool
i dont really like pokemon but thats was still pretty cool and from what i remember from the cartoon it seems similar in that style.
If this is going to be a series go for it. I would really like to see more. maybe go for some voice acting next time. get to know Yuu and his rivals and all that
best of luck
Thank you so much! :)
I'm making the second episode without dubbing, but now I'm looking for voices for the 3rd episode and I have some people interested. I hope then I can add a dubbing.
verry cool
i lvoe that wanted effect but how'd you do it? Like a 3d drawing animation program? kind of like the gunchest series
Cool! :D
Yes, looks similar to the Gunchest series (vector animation). There are a few different software packages available so they may have used something other than what I used. I added the details of the steps and software I used to my movie description.
Pretty good animation and damn funny lol
Heres how you add your friend:
Go up top and click My Account
Then scroll down where it says flash portal options on the left side
below flash submissions it will say flash portal buddies, click that
then where it says "Add Another?" type in your friends account name
now in order for him to be your portal buddy he has to go to pending on that page and accept your request
then when you do all that go to flash submissions thats above portal buddies and click the edit button by this video
and go down to "author credits" right below where you typed your video info
then click add another person and click your friends name (this is only if he accepted your friend request of course)
then just put w/e he did and thats it
Thanks for the help man. Yeah before I think you just added the coAuthors. Bit different now.
Dude really sick
but you shoudve uploaded this on madness day its right around the corner
either way sweet
hehehe yeah i know but today is my birthday so this submition is a gift to myself xDDD hehehe anyway! thank you 4 the comment and im glad you enjoy it! ; )
i cant wait!!
whens it coming out?
September 2010. :)
Creator and Animator of the Action Web Series "Omega"
Business inquires Email:
United States
Joined on 11/1/08